XIE Zhi-hao 1 , JI Jian 1 , LIU Lu-lu 1 , CHEN Wei 1 , ZHAO Zhen-hua 2 , LUO Gang 2.Numerical Investigation on Containment Capability of Soft-Wall Casing Wrapped withPolydispersed STF-Kevla[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):100-106
Numerical Investigation on Containment Capability of Soft-Wall Casing Wrapped withPolydispersed STF-Kevla
Key Words:soft-wall casing containment  numerical simulation  shear thickening fluid  aramid fabric  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
XIE Zhi-hao 1 , JI Jian 1 , LIU Lu-lu 1 , CHEN Wei 1 , ZHAO Zhen-hua 2 , LUO Gang 2 1. College of Energy and Power EngineeringNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2. State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control for Aerospace Structures:Nanjing 210016China 
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Abstract:The aeroengine soft-wall casing wrapped with aramid fabric (Kevlar) has the advantages of lightweight and strong containment capability. Aiming at the design of the application aramid fabric impregnated with Shear Thickening Fluid (STF), which has stronger impact resistance, on an aeroengine soft-wall containment casing, a numerical model of the soft-wall casing wrapped with polydispersed STF- impregnated Kevlar fabric was established, and numerical investigations on the containment performance of casings of different types, casings with different layers of fabrics, and under operating conditions with different blade rotational speeds were carried out. The results showed that the soft-wall casing wrapped with polydispersed STF-impregnated Kevlar fabric has excellent energy absorption capacity, and its unit mass energy absorption was 57.4% higher than that of pure aluminum alloy casing and 15.2% higher than that of pure Kevlar-wrapped soft-wall cas? ing. The more layers of the fabric, the better the containment effect of the soft-wall casing. The soft-wall casing wrapped with three layers of polydispersed STF-impregnated Kevlar fabric can reduce the kinetic energy of the blade by 94.9%. With the increase of rotational speed, the casing transits from contained to non-contained, and the contact force between the blade and the casing increases. When the non-contained event occurs, the damage to the inner wall of the aluminum alloy decreases, and the energy absorption decreases.
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