XING Yao-dong, ZHU Zhen-ye, XUE Cheng-cheng, YANG Fan.Application of Variable Area Fuel Nozzle for Aeroengine Digital Control System Semi-Physical Test[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):120-124
Application of Variable Area Fuel Nozzle for Aeroengine Digital Control System Semi-Physical Test
Key Words:variable area fuel nozzle  semi-physical test  digital control system  back-pressure simulation  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
XING Yao-dong, ZHU Zhen-ye, XUE Cheng-cheng, YANG Fan AECC Engine Control System Institute Jiangsu Wuxi 214063 China 
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Abstract:To improve the confidence level of semi-physical tests for aeroengine digital control systems, the combustor back-pressure simulation study was conducted during the test process. Based on the fuel flow rate and pressure differential characteristics of the nozzle of an aeroengine combustor, a test scheme based on variable area fuel nozzle was proposed. The nozzle adopts a mechanical valve structure and is designed with a shaped hole to ensure that the pressure difference and fuel flow rate passing through the nozzle meet the test require? ments. Two variable area nozzles were manufactured and tested on a semi-physical test bench. The test results show that the main working pressure data of the digital control system in the semi-physical test is consistent with actual engine test results, thus invalidating the vari? able area fuel nozzle is a practical method for combustor back-pressure simulation. Compared with the traditional back-pressure simula? tion scheme, the variable area fuel nozzle has a simpler structure and does not need a complex combustor back-pressure control system. This test scheme are applicable to control system semi-physical tests for different engine models.
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