SONG Zhen-yu, ZHOU Xin.Development and Prospect of Aeroengine Testing Technology[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):1-11
Development and Prospect of Aeroengine Testing Technology
Key Words:testing technology  technology tree diagram  performance parameter  structure/strength parameter  aerothermodynamic parameter  synthesis/measurement and control/airborne sensor technology  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
SONG Zhen-yu, ZHOU Xin AECC Shenyang Engine Research Institute Shenyang 110015 China 
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Abstract:Testing technology is indispensable for aeroengine development. In order to deepen the understanding of aeroengine testing technology, based on the testing technology tree diagram and referring to the internationally recognized classification rules, testing technolo? gies are divided into 4 primary categories, including performance testing, structure/strength testing, aerothermodynamic testing, synthesis/ measurement, and control/airborne sensor technology, the development status of these technology categories at home and abroad are briefly addressed. By analyzing the current status of China's testing technology capabilities and the main challenges in the future, the development trend and prospects in aeroengine testing are proposed. Outlooks for the development of aeroengine testing technology in five key directions are presented, including strengthening research in data validation, emphasizing advanced sensor R&D, establishing a testing technology standard system, promoting inter-industry cooperation and coordination, enhancing the study and introduction of advanced testing technol? ogy from abroad. This can provide a reference for relevant professionals in subsequent research.
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