MA Shuai 1 , HUANG Yun-zhi 1 , ZHOU Lei 1 , LI Hong-lei 2.Review of Multi-Component Box Balance for Aeroengine Thrust Measurement[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):21-32
Review of Multi-Component Box Balance for Aeroengine Thrust Measurement
Key Words:thrust measurement  box balance  multi-component  strain  thrust calibration  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
MA Shuai 1 , HUANG Yun-zhi 1 , ZHOU Lei 1 , LI Hong-lei 2 1. Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing TechnologyBeijing 100074China 2. AECC Shenyang Engine Research InstituteShenyang 110015China 
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Abstract:The multi-component thrust measurement test is a direct means of obtaining flight thrust data for aeroengines. This technology has become one of the indispensable key technologies in the field of aeroengine testing. After years of development, many breakthroughs have been made in the structural form of multi-component box balance used for thrust measurement. Targeting the testing requirements for aeroengine thrust measurement in the context of aviation engineering, the technical applications of multi-component box balance are sorted out, the structural composition, size, and material selection of single-component box balances, three-component box bal? ances, and six-component box balances are summarized. The number and layout of elastic connecting rods in different types of box bal? ances are analyzed. The transmission paths of thrust during aeroengine tests are studied. In-depth comparisons of the performance parameters of different types of box balances are conducted. On this basis, the key technologies for developing multi-component box bal? ance are elaborated, including reducing the influence of mechanical coupling, realizing the precise measurement of low thrust, developing environmentally friendly thrust calibration systems, and carrying out multi-disciplinary joint simulation, providing new ideas for box bal? ance design.
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