LIU Mei-yi 1 , YANG Lian-feng 2 , LIU Jia-xing 3 , SHEN Qi-hang 2 , LI Zhong-zhu 2 , SUN Tao 2.Gas Turbine Intake System Resistance Characteristics Correction Method[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):33-39
Gas Turbine Intake System Resistance Characteristics Correction Method
Key Words:air intake system  resistance characteristics  correction method  gas turbine
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Mei-yi 1 , YANG Lian-feng 2 , LIU Jia-xing 3 , SHEN Qi-hang 2 , LI Zhong-zhu 2 , SUN Tao 2 College of Southampton Joint Educational Institute 1 College of Power and Energy Engineering 2 Harbin Engineering University: Harbin 150001China3.AECC Shenyang Engine Research InstituteShenyang 110015China 
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Abstract:Due to the differences in test environment, test method, and inlet and outlet boundary conditions between the component test of the gas turbine intake system and the entire marine propulsion system test, component performance characteristics obtained under the individual component test conditions do not fully match those obtained under the marine application environment. To solve this problem, based on the existing component test data and the scaled-down entire marine propulsion system test data, a study of the influence mechanisms of various factors on component performance characteristics was conducted for each component of the gas turbine intake system by means of experimental verification and numerical simulation. By analyzing the differences in test rig structure, boundary condi? tions, and test methods between individual component tests and the environment of the entire marine propulsion system tests, the influence laws of various factors on the flow characteristics and pressure losses of the intake system components were summarized, and the components performance characteristics correction methods in the marine application environment, taking into account the multi-factor coupling influences, were established. The results show that the correction model of the gas turbine intake system is mainly based on factors such as the intake louver non-uniformity, the intake volute Reynolds number, and the intake wind speed and direction, etc. The corrected resistance characteristics show good agreement with the simulation under the marine application environment, with correction errors typi? cally less than 1%, indicating high accuracy.
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