YU Chuan-ping 1 , MENG De-jun 1 , YANG Shuai 2 , HOU Rui-wei 1 , LI Li-li 1.Stability Enhancement of Highly Loaded Fan with Position-Optimized CircumferentialCasing Treatment Grooves[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):40-45
Stability Enhancement of Highly Loaded Fan with Position-Optimized CircumferentialCasing Treatment Grooves
Key Words:stability enhancement  highly loaded fan  fan stall  casing treatment  uniformly-distributed circumferential grooves  position-optimized circumferential grooves  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
YU Chuan-ping 1 , MENG De-jun 1 , YANG Shuai 2 , HOU Rui-wei 1 , LI Li-li 1 1. AECC Shenyang Engine Research InstituteShenyang 110015China 2. Second Military Representative Office of Air Force Equipment Department Stationed in Shenyang AreaShenyang 110042China 
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Abstract:A highly loaded fan was taken as the research object to obtain a casing treatment scheme with stability enhancement capability and less impact on fan performance, the flow field structures under conditions of the solid-wall casing, the casing with uniformly- distributed circumferential grooves, and the casing with position-optimized circumferential grooves were numerically simulated, and the stability enhancement mechanisms of the uniformly-distributed and the position-optimized circumferential grooves were analyzed. The influences of the design parameters of the position-optimized circumferential casing treatment grooves on the flow field were verified experimentally. The results show that the casing treatment with circumferential grooves has a positive effect on the blockage region formed by the interaction of the tip leakage vortex and tip shock of the highly loaded fan, which can significantly increase the stability margin of the fan by 2.7% to 3.7%; the location of the leakage vortex formed by the interaction between the tip shock and the leakage flow is the key loca? tion for fan stability enhancement, the mid-chord position in the low-speed region of the blade tip is extremely effective for tip blockage alleviation, the casing treatment design should cover these two locations; the number of the circumferential casing treatment grooves adversely affects fan efficiency to a certain extent, so it is necessary to cover as few circumferential grooves as possible at key positions of the blade tip for achieving stability enhancement. The analyses show that the casing treatment with position-optimized circumferential grooves has more advantages in overall stability enhancement capacity.
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