ZHAO Lin 1 , YAN Wei 1 , CHEN Wei 1 , WANG Fei 2.Effect of Phase Combination of Residual Unbalance on Rotor Vibration Response of Turboprop Engines[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):84-88
Effect of Phase Combination of Residual Unbalance on Rotor Vibration Response of Turboprop Engines
Key Words:dynamic characteristics  rotor dynamics  finite element method  assembling technology  phase combination  turboprop engine
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Lin 1 , YAN Wei 1 , CHEN Wei 1 , WANG Fei 2 1. AECC South Industry Co.Ltd.Zhuzhou Hunan 412000China 2. College of Aircraft EngineeringNanchang Hangkong UniversityNanchang 330063China 
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Abstract:In order to solve the problem of excessive vibration of the turboprop engine assembled using components that meet dynamic balance requirements, a finite element model of the rotor system was established. The critical speed and unbalance response characteristics of the rotor system were analyzed, and the influence of phase combination of residual unbalance on rotor vibration response was studied. Based on the analysis results, the rotor assembling process was improved and whole engine verification tests were conducted. The results show that the established model can reflect the actual condition of the rotor system. The magnitude, axial distribution, and phase of the residual unbalance can all impact the vibration response of the multi-plane balanced rotor system. Changing only the phase combination of the residual unbalance can significantly reduce the whole engine vibration amplitude. The proportional scaling of the residual unbalance has little effect on the distribution of the optimal phase combination, whereas non-proportional scaling of the residual unbalance can greatly change the distribution of the optimal phase combination. The effective rate of the improved rotor assembly process reaches 96.7%, with an average vibration reduction of over 40%, which has a significant effect on reducing the rotor vibration response at operating speed and is of great importance for whole engine vibration reduction.
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