GUAN Hai-tao, FENG Guo-quan.Active Identification Method of Counter-rotating Critical Speeds Based on “Gyroscopic Kinetic Energy”[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):89-95
Active Identification Method of Counter-rotating Critical Speeds Based on “Gyroscopic Kinetic Energy”
Key Words:critical speed  active identification  counter rotating  dual-rotor-bearing system  gyroscopic kinetic energy  rotor dynam⁃ ics  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
GUAN Hai-tao, FENG Guo-quan AECC Shenyang Engine Research InstituteShenyang 110015China 
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Abstract:In order to identify the critical speeds of the counter-rotating dual-rotor-bearing system in an aeroengine, a finite element model of such a system with an inter-shaft bearing was established. Dynamic analysis of the model provided insights into the internal motion mechanisms. By using energy method analysis and calculation of "gyroscopic kinetic energy", the motion patterns of the counter- rotating dual-rotor system were discovered and critical speeds were identified. The validity of the identification approach was verified through unbalance response analysis. The results show that the magnitude of "gyroscopic kinetic energy" of the rotors is closely related to the distribution of critical speeds. The method of identifying critical speed based on "gyroscopic kinetic energy" can be used to identify the critical speeds of counter-rotating dual-rotor-bearing systems. The method transforms the traditional manual identification method into an algorithmic active identification, providing a reference for aeroengine dynamics design and optimization. The identification method is not only applicable to counter-rotating dual-rotor systems but also can be extended to the dynamic analysis and critical speed identification of other types of rotor-bearing systems including co-rotating ones.
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