GUO Zhi-wei 1 , ZHAO Zuo-peng 2 , HU Xu-teng 2.Experimental Investigation on Small Crack Propagation Behaviors of Powder Metallurgy SuperalloyFGH4099[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):118-123
Experimental Investigation on Small Crack Propagation Behaviors of Powder Metallurgy SuperalloyFGH4099
Key Words:powder metallurgy alloy  FGH4099 superalloy  small fatigue crack  crack initiation  crack propagation  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Zhi-wei 1 , ZHAO Zuo-peng 2 , HU Xu-teng 2 1. AECC Shenyang Engine Research InstituteShenyang 110015China 2. College of Energy and Power EngineeringNanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing 210016China 
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Abstract:To understand the correlation of small crack initiation and propagation process with stress characteristics, loading condi? tions, and surface defects, a simulated component was designed based on FGH4099 powder turbine disk rim geometrical characteristics, combined with its typical service temperature and load, the natural initiation small fatigue crack tests were carried out under high- temperature conditions. The crack initiation and small crack propagation behaviors under different temperature and stress-ratio conditions were observed and analyzed through fatigue interruption tests and surface replication techniques. The results show that the increase of test temperature can significantly reduce the proportion of crack-initiation life of the simulated component, and has little effect on the life proportion of fatigue crack propagating to the engineering detectable crack size. The locations of maximum principal stress and surface inclusions are the main factors determining the crack initiation location of the simulated component. The small fatigue crack growth rate exhibits different trends with different crack initiation mechanisms or notch radius at crack initiation locations.
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