ZHAO Fei, XU Chun-lei, WEN Ze-zhi.Low Pressure Turbine Rotor Blades Temperature Field Measurement at Simulated Altitude ConditionsUsing Long Working Distance Pyrometer[J].航空发动机,2025,51(1):146-150
Low Pressure Turbine Rotor Blades Temperature Field Measurement at Simulated Altitude ConditionsUsing Long Working Distance Pyrometer
Key Words:low pressure turbine rotor blades  temperature field  temperature measurement  simulated altitude condition  aeroengine
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Fei, XU Chun-lei, WEN Ze-zhi AECC Shenyang Engine Research InstituteShenyang 110015China 
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Abstract:In order to verify the cooling effect of an engine blade design, and improve the engine life and reliability, research was conducted on the surface temperature field measurement technology of low-pressure turbine rotor blades at simulated altitude conditions. Based on the principle of radiation temperature measurement, a long focal length optical pyrometer probe featuring variable measurement angles was designed. On this basis, the instrument installation scheme design, cooling air source system design, optical pyrometer calibra? tion, and turbine blade emissivity measurement were carried out. Surface temperature measurements of the low-pressure turbine rotor blades were accomplished without engine modification.when the engine was operating at intermediate state under simulated altitude condi? tions, surface temperature distributions of the trailing edge and concave side of the low pressure turbine rotor blades were acquired. The results indicate that the blade trailing edge temperature is higher than that of the blade convex side area; The highest temperature is located a bit above the mid-height of the trailing edge; There is no significant difference in temperature for each blade at the same cross-section height; As the cross-section height decreases, the cross-section average temperature gradually decreases.
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