张天宏1,殷彬彬1,2,张 鑫1.基于Compact RIO/FPGA的超高速控制器快速原型设计与试验验证[J].航空发动机,2015,41(3):77-80
基于Compact RIO/FPGA的超高速控制器快速原型设计与试验验证
Design and Experimental Study on an Ultra-high Speed Rapid Control Prototype Basedon Compact RIO/FPGA
中文关键词:  主动控制  Compact RIO/FPGA  快速控制器原型  实物在回路  航空发动机
英文关键词:active control  compact RIO/FPGA  rapid control prototype  HIL  aeroengine
张天宏1,殷彬彬1,2,张 鑫1 1.南京航空航天大学 江苏省航空动力系统重点实验室南京2100162.中航工业航空动力控制系统研究所江苏无锡214063 
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      针对航空发动机主动控制技术对高频响控制需求,提出了基于Compact RIO/FPGA的超高速控制器快速原型设计方法,构建了其硬件平台;基于LabVIEW软件平台,设计了控制算法程序和I/O接口驱动程序。针对基于模拟计算机搭建的带宽为311 Hz的快速响应2阶系统对象模型,开展了控制步长为20 μs的实物在回路超高速闭环控制试验研究,验证了快速原型控制器的有效性。结果表明:基于Compact RIO/FPGA的超高速控制器快速原型可以较好地满足航空发动机主动控制的高频响控制需求。
      Aiming at the high frequency control requirements for the active control technology of aeroengines, the design method of an ultra-high speed rapid control prototype based on compact RIO/FPGA was proposed. The hardware platform of the rapid control prototype was built. The control algorithm and the I/O interface driver programs were designed by using LabVIEW. A second order system model with the bandwidth of 311 Hz which was developed by an analog circuit was taken as a quick response control object, and the ultra-high speed closed-loop control of 20 microseconds control step was carried out in the hardware in the loop(HIL) test, which can verify the rapid control prototype to be effective. The results show that the ultra-high speed rapid control prototype based on compact RIO/FPGA is a good way to meet the high-frequency control demand of aeroengine active control technology.
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