Present Situation and Development of Aviation Bearing Technology
中文关键词:  航空轴承  发展现状  技术差距  发展方向
英文关键词:aviation bearing  present situation  technical gap  development direction
马芳,刘璐 中国航发哈尔滨轴承有限公司哈尔滨150500 mafang521184@163.com。 
摘要点击次数: 3100
全文下载次数: 7600
      航空轴承的技术水平和质量直接影响到航空发动机的工作性能,因此研制高可靠性的航空轴承对于保障航空装备性能 和飞行员安全都尤为重要。简述国内外航空轴承技术的发展现状,从材料、设计、制造、试验、检测5 个方面分析了国内外技术差距, 并基于航空发动机高温、高载荷、高转速、长寿命与高可靠性的未来发展需求,提出了新材料应用、表面处理、结构设计与仿真、智能 制造与检测、试验技术与评价、智能轴承技术等有待于解决和发展的航空轴承技术研究方向
      The technical level and quality of aviation bearings have a direct impact on the performance of aeroengine袁therefore, the development of highly reliable aviation bearings is particularly important for ensuring aviation equipment performance and pilot safety. This paper describes the current status of the aviation bearing technology at domestic and overseas, analyzes the technical gap between domestic and overseas from the aspects of material, design, manufacture, testing and so on. Based on the higher temperature, bigger load, faster speed, longer life and more reliability of aeroengine, the future development of the aviation industry, the research direction of aviation bearing technology which should be solved and developed are put forward, such as the application of new materials, surface treatment, structural design and simulation, intelligent manufacturing and testing, experimental technology and evaluation, and smart bearing technology
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