于清文1,2 ,王菲1,2 ,卢良文 3 ,罗忠1,2 ,姜广义 3.联轴器不对中转子系统的故障再现方法[J].航空发动机,2022,48(6):98-104
A Method for Fault Reproduction of Rotor System with Coupling Misalignment
中文关键词:  转子系统  联轴器  不对中  动力学相似  故障再现  航空发动机
英文关键词:rotor system  coupling  misalignment  dynamic similarity  fault reproduction  aeroengine
于清文1,2 ,王菲1,2 ,卢良文 3 ,罗忠1,2 ,姜广义 3 1. 东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院2. 航空动力装备振动及控制教育部重点实验室:沈阳 110819 3. 中国航发沈阳发动机研究所沈阳 110015 qwyu@mail.neu.edu.cn 
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      针对转子系统联轴器不对中的故障再现问题,建立了动力学相似模型转子系统的方法。讨论由联轴器不对中引起的附 加力的情况,建立了带有联轴器不对中转子系统的数学模型;采用方程分析法和量纲分析法相结合的方法,推导了联轴器不对中 转子系统的动力学相似关系;设计了动力学相似的原型和模型系统,通过对设定系统进行数值仿真,分别对比了2套系统的轴心 轨迹和频域响应。结果表明:模型与原型系统的频率成分相同,轴心轨迹形状一致且满足相似比例,验证了所提方法的正确性。 搭建了2组动力学相似试验台,进一步验证了所提出相似设计方法的实用性和有效性。该研究结果为再现原型系统联轴器不对 中故障的动力学相似模型设计奠定了理论基础。
      Aiming at the problem of fault reproduction of coupling misalignment in rotor system,the method of dynamic similarity mod? el of rotor system was established. The additional force caused by coupling misalignment was discussed and the mathematical model of the rotor system with coupling misalignment was established. The dynamic similarity of the rotor system with misaligned coupling was derived by using the method of equation analysis and dimensional analysis. A prototype and model system with similar dynamics were designed. Through numerical simulation of the set system,the axis trajectory and frequency domain response of the two systems were compared re? spectively. The results show that the frequency components of the model and the prototype system are the same,and their axis trajectory shapes are consistent and resemble proportionally,which verifies the correctness of the proposed method. Two sets of dynamically similar test-beds were built to further verify the practicability and effectiveness of the proposed similarity design method. The research results lay a theoretical foundation for the design of dynamically similar model to reproduce the coupling misalignment fault in the prototype system.
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