张海灯,吴 云,李 军,李应红.测点布局对航空发动机总压畸变指数的影响[J].航空发动机,2023,49(6):99-108 |
测点布局对航空发动机总压畸变指数的影响 |
Influences of Sensor Location on Total Pressure Distortion Descriptor of Aeroengine |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 总压畸变 测点布局 畸变流场 周向位置 结果偏差 航空发动机 |
英文关键词:total pressure distortion sensor location distorted flow field circumferential location result deviation aeroengine |
基金项目:国家级基金项目资助 |
摘要点击次数: 843 |
全文下载次数: 806 |
中文摘要: |
处测点对动态总压畸变进行监测,可提高总压畸变指数计算结果的准确性。 |
英文摘要: |
To elucidate the influences of sensor location on testing results of aeroengine inlet total pressure distortion, a rotating total
pressure rake was used to measure both the steady-state and time-variant components of five kinds of distorted flow fields. Steady-state cir?
cumferential as well as time-variant total pressure distortion descriptors at different circumferential rake locations were calculated. Then
the influences of sensor location on the total pressure distortion descriptor were analyzed. The results show that the accuracy of the total
pressure distortion descriptor is highly dependent on the relative circumferential location of the rake/sensor. For the five kinds of distorted
flow fields, increasing the number of circumferential measurement locations does not always monotonously reduce the deviation of total pres?
sure distortion descriptor calculation results, but can reduce the sensitivity of the total pressure distortion descriptor to the circumferential
location of the rake/sensor. Determining the locations of steady-state total pressure distortion rake based on the characteristics of the dis?
torted flow field and using a combination of time-variant total pressure measuring points at different radial locations to monitor time-vari?
ant total pressure distortion are effective methods to improve the accuracy of total pressure distortion descriptor calculations. |
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