Research of High Bypass Ratio Turbofan Engine Core Test Performance Assessment Method
中文关键词:  大涵道比涡扇发动机  核心机  性能评定  试验  测量参数
英文关键词:high bypass ratio turbofan engine  core engine  performance assessment  test  measurement parameter
吴明峰,吕重阳,骆广琦,李华雷 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司上海 200241 
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      为了在试验验证阶段准确、全面地剖析涡扇发动机核心机性能,基于核心机多次试验结果,提出在工程中易实现的核心 机性能评定方法。通过试验确定测量参数,介绍核心机性能评定工作流程,论述性能评定关键参数的测量和计算方法。分析部件 流量、效率等参数变化对核心机循环功及油耗的影响,以涡轮为例阐述部件试验与核心机试验差异的原因包含气动构型、工作环 境、测量不确定度、冷气4个维度的因素,论述了通过减少漏气、优化工作线等手段提升部件效率,讨论核心机流量、循环功、耗油 率对整机的支撑作用。核心机与部件偏离的合理范围应参照测量不确定度,超出合理范围的偏离采用了单因素敏感性分析方法 分解到部件层级。结果表明:该方法适用于大涵道比涡扇发动机核心机试验性能评定,对其他构型的核心机也有一定借鉴作用。
      In order to accurately and comprehensively analyze the core performance of a turbofan engine during the experimental verifi? cation stage, an easily implemented core performance assessment method was proposed based on multiple test results of the core engine. Starting from the test parameters, the performance assessment process of the core was introduced. Measurement and calculation methods of key performance assessment parameters were discussed. The impact of the variation of component mass flow, efficiency, and other parame? ters on the cycle power and fuel consumption of the core engine were analyzed. Taking turbine as an example, the reasons for the difference between the component test and core engine test include four dimensions: aerodynamic configuration, working environment, measurement uncertainty, and cooling air. The efficiency of components can be improved by reducing air leakage and optimizing working line. The sup? porting effects of core mass flow, cycle power, and fuel consumption on the whole engine were discussed. The reasonable range of deviation between the core engine and the component should be referred to measurement uncertainties, and the deviation beyond the reasonable range should be decomposed to the component level by single-factor sensitivity analysis. The results show that the method is suitable for high bypass ratio turbofan engine core test performance assessment and can also be a reference for the core engine of other configurations.
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