李明明1 ,王东强 1 ,张曦2 ,于贺春 1 ,董学武 1 ,姜海芹 1.轴段可调节式双转子结构动力特性模拟试验台设计与优化[J].航空发动机,2023,49(6):135-142
Design and Optimization of Simulation Test Bench for Dynamic Characteristics of Dual-rotor Structurewith Adjustable Shaft Section
中文关键词:  轴段可调节  双转子  动力学特性  试验台  变换哈默斯利算法  临界转速  不平衡响应  航空发动机
英文关键词:adjustable shaft section  dual-rotor  dynamic characteristics  test bench  shifted Hammersley algorithm  critical speed  unbalance response  aeroengine
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(51875586)、河南省高等学校重点科研项目(20A460030)、纺织服装产业河 南省协同创新中心(2019CY005)资助
李明明1 ,王东强 1 ,张曦2 ,于贺春 1 ,董学武 1 ,姜海芹 1 1. 中原工学院 机电学院:郑州 4511912. 郑州科技学院 机械工程学院:郑州 450064 
摘要点击次数: 569
全文下载次数: 488
      为了解航空发动机双转子的动力学特性,搭建了轴段可调节式双转子结构动力特性模拟试验台,其主要包括高速电机、 低压转子、高压转子、模拟盘、支架、齿轮箱、基座等。采用有限元法和变换哈默斯利算法相结合的联合仿真方法,对试验台进行了 临界转速的计算及优化;计算了双转子系统的稳态不平衡响应,分析了临界转速变化对转子系统振动特性的影响。结果表明:优 化后试验台前4阶临界转速与原型机实测临界转速的误差在5%以内,试验台能较好的模拟原型机动力学特性;优化后各轴承处 最大响应幅值中的最大值明显减小,试验台具有良好的振动特性。
      In order to study the dynamic characteristics of a dual-rotor aeroengine,a simulation test bench for dual-rotor dynamic characteristics with adjustable shaft sections was built,which mainly included high-speed motor,low-pressure rotor,high-pressure ro? tor,simulation disk,bracket,gearbox,base,etc. Firstly,the critical speed of the test bench was calculated and optimized using the co- simulation method of finite element method and shifted Hammersley algorithm. Then,the steady-state unbalance response of the dual-ro? tor system was calculated,and the influence of the change of critical speed on the vibration characteristics of the rotor system was ana? lyzed. The results show that the error between the fourth-order critical speed of the optimized test bench and the measured critical speed of the prototype is within 5%,and the dynamic characteristics of the prototype can be well simulated by the test bench. After optimization, the maximum response amplitude at each bearing is significantly reduced,and the test bench has good vibration characteristics.
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