高雨毅1 ,李千慧 1 ,韩擎之 1 ,肖杰1 ,何雯婷 1,2 ,郭洪波 1,2.高温雷达吸波涂层研究进展[J].航空发动机,2024,50(3):17-32
Development of Microwave Absorption Coatings for High-Temperature Radar
中文关键词:  雷达吸波  高温涂层  吸波机制  结构设计  吸波剂  高温隐身材料
英文关键词:microwave absorption  high-temperature coating  microwave absorbing mechanism  structural design  absorbing agent  high-temperature stealth material
高雨毅1 ,李千慧 1 ,韩擎之 1 ,肖杰1 ,何雯婷 1,2 ,郭洪波 1,2 1.北京航空航天大学 材料科学与工程学院 2.高温结构材料与涂层技术工业和信息化部重点实验室:北京 100191 
摘要点击次数: 674
全文下载次数: 896
      在现代信息化战争中,探测和制导技术迅猛发展。在众多探测信号中,雷达探测占比高达60%,因此武器装备雷达隐身 能力尤其重要。随着新一代装备性能的提升,热端部件的服役温度不断升高,对高温雷达吸波涂层提出了更加严苛的要求。在高 温服役环境下,部分雷达吸波材料存在氧化、居里温度低而失去吸波性能的问题。高温雷达吸波材料主要依靠介电损耗和电导损 耗机制实现对电磁波的损耗吸收。基于此,综述了以碳化物、硼化物、氧化物、金属材料、MAX相材料为吸波剂的高温雷达吸波涂 层研究情况,分析了各材料的优势及存在的问题,其中氧化物吸波剂高温稳定性好,易于制备,成本低,其吸波性能可通过掺杂改 性调控,是面向未来更加严苛服役环境下更具应用潜力的吸波材料。此外,还从梯度结构和超材料设计2个角度分析了涂层结构 设计在拓宽涂层吸波频带,降低涂层厚度方面的作用。结合当前研究进展提出了新材料研发、新结构设计和与材料结构相适应的 制备工艺研究是未来高温雷达吸波涂层的发展方向。
      In modern information warfare, detection and guidance technology develops rapidly. Among the detection signals, detection by radar microwave accounts for up to 60%, so the radar stealth capability of weapons and equipment is particularly important. With the performance improvement of the new generation military equipment, the service temperature of the hot components continues to rise, which puts forward more stringent requirements for high-temperature microwave absorbing coatings. In the high-temperature service environ‐ ment, some microwave absorbing materials have problems with oxidation and low curie temperature, which lead to the loss of absorbing performance. Therefore, microwave absorption materials for high-temperature applications mainly rely on dielectric loss and conductance loss mechanisms. Based on this, the paper discusses the research progress of microwave absorbing coatings materials including carbides, borides, oxides, metal materials, and MAX phase materials, and analyzes the advantages and problems of each material. Among them, oxide absorbing agents have good high-temperature stability, are easy to prepare, and have low costs. Their absorbing performance can be controlled by doping modification, making them more promising absorbing materials for future more stringent service environments. In addi‐ tion, the influence of coating structure design on expanding its microwave absorbing frequency band from the perspectives of gradient structure and metamaterial is discussed. Combined with the current research progress, it is proposed that the research and development of new materials, new structure design, and fabrication techniques suitable for material structures are the development direction of high- temperature microwave absorbing coatings.
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