刘作宏,何志强,柳国印,刘佳鑫,康 忱,程 鲁.航空发动机地面进气加温试验[J].航空发动机,2024,50(3):148-153
Aeroengine Ground-level Test with Inlet Air Heating
中文关键词:  进气加温  地面试验  温场  温度畸变  航空发动机
英文关键词:inlet air heating  ground-level test  temperature field  temperature distortion  aeroengine
刘作宏,何志强,柳国印,刘佳鑫,康 忱,程 鲁 中国航发沈阳发动机研究所沈阳 110015 
摘要点击次数: 779
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      为了模拟发动机进气加温试验,开展了发动机地面试车台进气加温试验研究,设计了一套合理的进气加温设备,并提出 了进气加温试验测试方案和试验方法。结果表明:在108.88 ℃进气温度下,高温区角度为180°,高温区主要分布在0°和180°位置, 低温区分布在90°和270°位置,隔开了连续高温区,高温区平均温度和面平均温度差值较小,温度周向不均匀度为0.43%,温度分 布均匀,不存在强烈温度畸变情况;在进气温度从94.82 ℃上升至108.88 ℃时用时80 s,高温区温升率为0.18 ℃/s,时间域内的温度 畸变较小,裕度损失小,温场无旋转,高温区分布和周向温度不均匀度均不随时间变化产生明显改变;在进气温度从65.34 ℃升至 108.88 ℃时,周向分布保持均匀,建立了面平均温度、高温区面平均温度的线性关系。获得了台架温场均值与发动机控制系统采 集进气温度的关系。
      In order to conduct engine inlet heating simulation tests, an inlet heating test was carried out on a ground-level test bed, a set of suitable inlet heating equipment was designed, and the inlet heating testing scheme and test method were proposed. The results show that at the inlet temperature of 108.88℃, the circumferential extent of the high-temperature region was 180°, the high-temperature regions were mainly distributed at 0° and 180°, the low-temperature regions were distributed at 90° and 270°, separating the high-temperature regions. The difference between the average temperature in the high-temperature regions and the area-weighted face-average temperature was small, and the circumferential temperature distortion intensity was 0.43%, indicating a uniform temperature distribution and no strong temperature distortion; it took 80 seconds for the inlet temperature rose from 94.82℃ to 108.88℃, and the temperature rise rate of high- temperature region was 0.18 ℃/s, the time-variant temperature distortion was small, the stability margin loss was small, the temperature field was irrotational, and the distribution of high-temperature regions and the circumferential temperature distortion intensity did not show significant changes obviously with time. When the inlet temperature rose from 65.34℃ to 108.88℃ , the circumferential distribution remained uniform, and the linear relationship between the area-weighted face-average temperature and the area-weighted average temperature of the high-temperature regions was established. The relationship between the area-weighted face-average temperature and the inlet air temperature acquired by the engine control system was obtained.
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