梁 霄1,2 ,孙伟1 ,项宏伟 2 ,谢天2.大涵道比商用涡扇发动机低压涡轮智能装配[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):168-173
Intelligent Assembly for High By-Pass Ratio Commercial Turbofan Engine LPT
中文关键词:  智能装配  低压涡轮  商用涡扇发动机
英文关键词:intelligent assembly  low-pressure turbine  commercial turbofan engine
梁 霄1,2 ,孙伟1 ,项宏伟 2 ,谢天2 1.大连理工大学 机械工程学院辽宁大连 116024 2.中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司上海 201306 
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      为了解决大涵道比商用涡扇发动机整机装配过程中人工装配效率低、精度差、劳动量大等问题,对商用涡扇发动机的低 压涡轮进行了装配性分析,并结合智能装配技术建立了一套适用于该部位的智能装配系统。该系统采用了多种信息化智能装配 技术,结合多种传感器和检测方式搭建了一个绝大多数工序均可实现高度自动化的低压涡轮成品装配平台。利用商用涡扇发动 机模拟件对该装配平台进行了试验验证。结果表明:与人工装配相比,该低压涡轮智能装配平台的装配效率提高了1倍以上,生 产效率提高了20.19%,其中装配过程用时缩短了62.5%,人员参与度大幅降低,运营成本平均降低了23.52%,能源利用率提高了 4%。该低压涡轮智能装配技术具有切实的可行性。
      In order to solve the problems of low efficiency, poor precision, and intensive labor in the assembly process of commercial turbofan engines with large bypass ratio, the assembly of the low-pressure turbine of commercial turbofan engine was analyzed, and an intelligent assembly system suitable for this component was established by combining intelligent assembly technology. The system adopts various information-based intelligent assembly technologies, and combines a variety of sensors and detection methods to build a low- pressure turbine finished product assembly platform, and most of the assembly processes can be highly automated. The assembly platform was tested and verified by simulated parts of the commercial turbofan engine. The results show that, compared with manual assembly, the assembly efficiency of the low-pressure turbine intelligent assembly platform is more than doubled, the production efficiency is increased by 20.19%, in which the assembly time is shortened by 62.5%, the manual operations are greatly reduced, the operating cost is reduced by 23.52% on average, and the energy utilization rate is increased by 4%. The intelligent assembly technology of low-pressure turbines is feasible.
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