向 巧1,2 ,胡晓煜 1 ,王 曼 3 ,弓升1.关于氢能航空动力发展的认识与思考[J].航空发动机,2024,50(1):1-9
Observations on the Development of Hydrogen-powered Aircraft Propulsion System
中文关键词:  氢能航空  氢能飞机  氢能动力  氢燃料发动机  燃氢涡轮发动机
英文关键词:hydrogen-powered aviation  hydrogen-powered aircraft  hydrogen-fueled propulsion system  hydrogen-fueled engine  hydrogen-fueled gas turbine engine
向 巧1,2 ,胡晓煜 1 ,王 曼 3 ,弓升1 1. 太行实验室成都 6102002. 中国航空发动机集团有限公司北京 100097 3. 中国商用飞机有限责任公司北京民用飞机技术研究中心北京 102211 
摘要点击次数: 3105
全文下载次数: 1073
      近年来,在全球碳减排目标的驱动下,各国对发展氢能航空的热情空前高涨,在氢能飞机和氢能动力领域加速布局研究 计划。通过研究国内外氢能飞机及动力发展历程和研究进展,发现人类对氢的认知始于其燃烧特性,认为氢能航空发展兴于“双 碳”目标,指出燃氢涡轮发动机是航空业实现减碳目标的关键,分析了燃氢涡轮发动机和氢燃料飞机的性能优势,研判出氢能航空 及动力发展难在全产业链重构和全链条颠覆创新,提出了创新氢能航空发展机制、加快发展燃氢涡轮发动机、健全氢能航空产业 链条、实现全链条颠覆性创新和加强氢能航空基础建设等五方面的发展措施建议。
      Driven by the global carbon reduction goals, the enthusiasm for the development of the hydrogen-powered aviation has been growing unprecedentedly in recent years,and a great number of research projects on hydrogen-powered aircraft and hydrogen- powered propulsion systems have been launched globally. Reviewing the development history of hydrogen-powered aircraft, it is found that the cognition of hydrogen started with its combustion characteristics, and the development of hydrogen-powered aviation is accelerated by the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. It is suggested that the implementation of hydrogen-fueled gas turbine engines in the global aviation industry is vital in achieving carbon reduction goals. The performance advantages of hydrogen-fueled gas turbine engines and hydrogen-powered aircraft are analyzed. It is proposed that the difficulties of developing hydrogen-powered aircraft and hydrogen-fueled propulsion systems lie in the reconstruction and disruptive innovation of the whole industry chain. Suggestions are given on the following five aspects in the development of hydrogen-powered aviation, namely, innovating in the development mechanism of hydrogen-powered avia? tion, accelerating the implementation progress of hydrogen-fueled gas turbine engines, improving the hydrogen-powered aviation industry chain, launching disruptive innovation of the whole industry chain and developing the infrastructure for hydrogen-powered aviation.
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